Money? He’s got plenty. Women? They’re drawn to him. Power? He commands it. By day, Mr. Han is just an ordinary manager. By night, he’s the Big Boss! One day, he unexpectedly takes over the body of a handsome, high-flying mob boss! Now, his life is about to change dramatically.
In 1940’s Japan during the war, long-time friends , Aoi and Takahiko part ways as Takahiko is enlisted. , Can the two reunite as friends or are they long past the point of friendship?
Hoyoon, the second son of Giho Choi and a man full of scars, sells his body to a stranger. That stranger turns out to be Sehwan. Sehwan’s twisted desires move Yoon, who despised his family… and a secret deal to bring the Choi family down begins.